Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Friendly Fire

Today wrapped up the first two full weeks at my new job. In some ways, looking nostalgically at the course of events in my life, I'm a bit overwhelmed at the discrepancy between where I came from and where I am. I don't think my 20-year old self could have imagined this is where I'd be in my mid 40s. Some days it feels perfectly natural to be speaking a foreign language at work, other days I think "who are you?"

For the last week my boss has been in town to help transition me to my role and I've enjoyed working with her. She's smart and fair and friendly - and the sad truth is that few woman can successfully manage and mentor other women, so I'm very glad I've landed on her team.

Now I have a week's vacation that was planned before I was hired. We have the weekend to pack and prepare; Monday we head to France with our dear friends. And tonight was "Stammtisch" - where our friends come over for the same basic routine we enjoy every Friday: pizza and cards. We only have three more weeks of this before they return home to the US -and it breaks my heart to think of.

Speaking of breaking hearts, I have to say the events in Egypt are deeply saddening. I've never been there and have no personal connections - but have always wanted to visit this amazing country. It is a land with an incredibly rich and significant history, contributing remarkable intellectual and cultural achievements to the advancement of society. I hope the Egyptians can negotiate a settlement and lead democratic progress and religious moderation in the Middle East.

Enough soap box and sap... Wishing you all a wonderful weekend!!

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