With mountains like these

By Sollergirl

Media frenzy

Not sure what for, though there are many things afoot here. Big yachts floating about with rockstars, but wether they come in to port and spend any money is another thing. Here Toni Frau the baker is getting his tuppence worth on what must be a new radio station broadcasting live (I presume) from infront of the ayuntamiento (town hall).

The boys and I had part two of our engraving lesson with Geoff this morning. I needed to get out of a 'bit of a bad mood' which of course I did very quickly in his presence. I am working on my first ever engraving, a version of this Naples scene. I find the whole process so relaxing and yet slowly exciting (there must be a word to summarise that doesn't sound dodgy). If there were more hours in my normal week, this is what I would do for some of them.

Later on, doing a few jobs in town, I, my camera, my bag, my every blooming thing, somehow became totally soaked in a glass of orange juice. They shall remain nameless. The mood returned a bit.

The beach for a while sorted that mostly.

Here's the thing. If I got the shot of Bruce or Leo, would I sell it? Would I even pass it on? (S, close your ears) I don't know wether I would. We all need our quiet time and when it comes, it is so precious.

I'm going to have a few quiet hours now. Expect a little radio silence.......

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