
By Pisky29


An image to reflect my Fringe experiences this year so far which include:

dire wailing welsh cross-dressing harbingers of imminent mortality (My Name is Sue - AVOID!)

emotive and fast paced Israeli paramilitary high-kicking divas of historical drama (https://www.edfringe.com/whats-on/theatre/ballad-of-the-burning-star GREAT!)

an elephant wooing a vodka-coffee swilling primate (as part of the Bite-Size repertoire (https://www.edfringe.com/whats-on/theatre/big-bite-size-breakfast-show) BRIILIANT!

A legless aussie and latin-tattoed Glaswegian doing an impromptu comedy sub-routine, (Adam Hills Happyism ) SIDE SPLITTINGLY FUNNY!)

A post-Reithian docu-drama about BBC mind-control (v.fair review here - http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/theatre/edinburgh-festival-reviews/10223164/Edinburgh-Festival-2013-Making-News-Pleasance-One.html) LACKLUSTRE

a high-energy, fast paced and cleverly observed look at the story of the Chilean miners trapped underground called '33' (THOUGHT PROVOKING)

and the truly mirthtastic Marcus Brigstocke - a masterclass on how to deliver social observation and anecdotal humour, actually cried with laughter!

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