
By lassoothemoon

In the gallery

Rant alert! And a warning .. there is just the teensiest bit of irony in what I am going to say.

I have noticed a growing compulsion to record experiences rather than experience them. Here is a good example. A tourist was faithfully following his guidebook and visiting the Courtauld Gallery. But instead of gazing upon the art treasures, he was systematically photographing the paintings on his smartphone, barely giving them even a first glance. Why bother visiting the gallery? … you might as well look at reproductions of the paintings in a book! I was so fascinated by what he was doing, I followed him for a while. He probably now thinks I am some crazy stalker!

Today's blip is an image I took in the gallery. A Manet through a Rodin. Now where’s that irony?

And here's an ear worm ...

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