Im so Lazy!

So after that hectic week, I didn't wake up until 10.30 this morning!! Mr W was even lazier and didn't wake up until 11.55!!! We didn't actually get out of bed till nearly 1pm!!!! Bliss!!

So with the weekly shop done where I tried to blip Mr W with his OCD trolly tidyness, the gym not done and the left over Chinese from last night gobbled, we are both now report writing before our slob on the sofa time!! Well he's report writing I assume, Im playing on blip!!! but he thinks Im report writing!!! He could be playing candy crush for all I know!!!!

Roll on bedtime as more sleep required!

Lazy blip of the Lillys (view from where Im sitting!!) Our huge hearth that's bigger than the room itself is never without a glorious bunch of Lillys and they appear to last for weeks!!


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