From a Low Angle

Low down with a ladybird :)

My hospital appointment went well I think. Yet another prescription to take at bedtimes (consultant told me more than once it's "very very strong, don't take more than I'm telling you, you understand?" so I'm convinced side effects are guaranteed!) plus a referral for a MRI scan. Like myself he thinks this will show nothing sinister and we'll just have to keep experimenting with combinations of medication to keep the vestibular migraines (after seeing all my notes he still thinks he was right with his first instinct on this diagnosis, I apologised for dismissing him back in May as I'd never heard of such a thing, he admitted he was wrong to discharge me when I was still getting symptoms!) under control. So, not a big step forward but a step nonetheless.

In other good news, though it took most of the day to recover from today's migraine, Stella & I found a geocache this evening and earned our International Geocaching Day souvenir :)

& on the blog you can see my attempt at recreating a wheat and dairy free version of this! :)

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