A Dog's Dinner

By G

Rock on?

While the rest of the city was listening to the best music, drama and comedy in the world I was listening to bleeps, bings and white noise through headphones in a strangely empty Saturday afternoon hospital.

Over the last twelve months I've been experiencing internal noises in my head-tinnitus and my doctor, being the good man that he is, booked me in for a series of hearing tests...

...and the result? I might be better using a hearing aid.

Of course it was a bit of a shock but there's no immediate concern-so I'll give it six months or so before I take any action.

The technician, who was very nice and helpful, asked if I had a history of being around loud noise-obviously she never attended a Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple concert. Poor thing.

Was it worth all those gigs.

You betcha! Rock on!

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