The Pevensie Dilemma

By PevensieDilemma

May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

Netflix Super HD comes as standard on my current BluRay player.

Tonight, "The Hunger Games" was first choice on my list of potentials.

There's still at least half of the movie left to watch but I thought I'd press the pause button, reflect on what I've seen and even blog a little!

Without giving too much away, the fundamental theme already running through the movie is a picture of what could happen in a society where people's basic human rights are taken away from them.

It's a picture of what could happen when people's inherent sense of value and worth as human beings is decided by someone other than themselves.

Quite a thought provoking film.

Even with some of its glitz and sparkle, there's a darkness to it that makes me quite uncomfortable.

"Happy Hunger Games! - May the odds be ever in your favour!"

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