Gillipaw's Journal

By Gillipaw

Hill of Tarvit

An Edwardian mansion house near Cupar in Fife, largely rebuilt in 1906 by Scottish architect, Sir Robert Lorimer for Frederick Sharp, a wealthy businessman from Dundee. It was designed as a family home, but it was also to house his art, furniture and porcelain collections. The house was fitted with electricity, central heating and an internal telephone system. Below stairs was interesting too, including a square brass kettle, designed to fit exactly into the range, and a hot cupboard still working today.

We were very warmly welcomed into a stunning oak panelled entrance hall with grand archways, and given excellent information by guides in each room. Sharp was a friend of Sir William Burrell, and it was interesting to compare their tastes and collections.

Lorimer also designed the gardens, and Sharp had a 9 hickory hole golf course created on his estate, which is still played today.

Tonight, we are in Crail, enjoying a taste of the East Neuk. Planning a bit of an adventure tomorrow!

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