What's the next step after "Dreich"?

"Dreich (Old Scots origin)
A combination of dull, overcast, drizzly, cold, misty and miserable weather. At least 4 of the above adjectives must apply before the weather is truly dreich

It was
1. Dull.
2. Overcast.
3. Raining Piss istantly.
4. Misty on the tops, (Where we weren't)

It was not however either cold or miserable.
We caught Sunday's pig, had a swan around Booths: where, among the half dozen things we didn't go in for, we emerged with a couple of fillet steaks of "Rosey Veal".

When veal was made in the "old-fashioned" more cruel way I'd not have touched it with a long barge-pole, however: if you want milk, you gotta have calves, many of which are bull-calves. What do you do?
1. Sink the island in millions of full-grown bulls with no job to do?
2. "Tap them on the head" at birth?
3. Treat them half decent for their short lives and then use them?
(Unless of course you're a veggie, in which case you can't drink the milk because of the implications above.)

Then we took off for Keswick where we, actually, thoroughly enjoyed the wet and came away with a Christmas present for one who shall be nameless, because I know he/she/it looks at my Blips.

What you see is the runoff from the plastic guttering twixt two adjacent stalls.

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