My Aim is True



This van was parked all day in the city centre. But what on earth's it all about? Anyone know?

Mind you it took my mind off the fuckwits and the rubbish. I've been on this street for quite some time. And I was very surprised yesterday and today when I noticed all the rubbish that was starting to accumulate. I had actually just been thinking a couple of nights ago, what a nice friendly street it is, as I had clocked the fact that despite everything it was still reasonably tidy.

Who would decide, despite the fact that it could lie there for a long time, or at this rate for ever, to just dump their rubbish for all to see? Now don't get me wrong, personally I would love to clear my house of some of this stuff that is festering away, but I am aware of the impact that it'll have on the rest of the street.

As I said, I've been here for a while, and I know lots of the neighbours. I was chatting to a couple of them about what's going on and they reckon that it's one of the new folk down the end of the street. We cannae understand why he'd do it. It's just so rude, arrogant...and sooo unBritish.

However when I came home tonight I noticed that some of the rubbish has been taken away, thank goodness. The rest of the street can now relax without the worry of vermin all over the place.

In other phenomonal news.....Tesco Metro have actually decided to instal self service tills...oh how I will miss standing in a queue with an assortment of 472 gadgies and Spanish students with only 1 till in operation. Perhaps my pointing out to the store doorman * a couple of weeks ago that that area of the shop was sadly underused had some effect (i should be on that Apprentice programme, what with my business acumen)

* when i say doorman what I actaully mean is the slob that lounges nonchalantly against the wall, chewing gum, checking his text messages and leering at the aforementioned Spanish students (the female ones)

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