The Paint Job

Seems fitting as I've got my car back today which I am glad to say has had a perfect "paint job"!. #1 daughter kindly took me to fetch said car and then left as she had zillions of jobs which she needed to do - me too, but of course I preferred to take a walk with my friend (wife of husband who employs the pet paint shop boys) - Alice (5) (friend's daughter) and Speccy (broody hen) accompanied us on our walk round the beautiful grounds. We saw the swans and cygnets again and had a sighting of the Deer, but who were not obliging me with photos today.

Glad to be behind the wheel again and before going straight home stopped off for lunch alone (as daughter whizzed off to do jobs and husband is off on a week's gliding adventure!) at my favourite family run garden centre where all us diners were beautifully entertained by a very good Ladies Singing Group. I took some quite nice butterfly shots, but not up to the standard of the current Blip pros!!

Got home late so no jobs done but there's always tomorrow .... after work!

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