
By Cully

You know you have outstayed your welcome when...

.. the little one starts packing away all the chairs.

It's my sisters birthday tomorrow so today we all piled around their house for hot pork cobs and marshmallow cake, al fresco. It was all very nice considering we were all hungover from last nights shenanigans. I upset my nan though by not saying hello although I did, twice! And then nearly didn't say goodbye because my dad whisked her into the car to take her home without telling the folk in the garden, luckily I realised in the nick of time, it wouldn't have gone down well if I hadn't.

I have found a 'sport' that I am better than the boy at; swingball. I am ace, the boys rubbish.

Plenty of bouncing on the trampoline before home time. Hopefully we tired this little fella out, we are both certainly shattered.

They are all going to the zoo tomorrow.

Harry: "We are going to the zoo, zoo, zoo, how about you, you, you? You can come too, too, too."

Me: "No I can't I am at work, but bring me back a penguin please"

Harry: "Okay I'll try or a meerkat if I can't get you a penguin"

I hope a get a penguin, what am I going to do with a meerkat?

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