Photographic Poeticisms

By TerryRhiannyr


Once you sailed the waters
As free as that river
Whose name you proudly bear
Now you languish on river bank
Unused and forgotten
By those who just don't care
Your eyes are turned away
From the boats that pass by
So your tears they cannot see
Your back it stands yet strong
Not yet to time it succumbs
Not the breaks that age does decree
Paint peels and discolours
Flaking to dust and memory
Disappearing in fluorescing glow
Hull groans in aching despair
Timbers beg for rot's release
Their final voyage on tidal flow
Tell me Tamar, given the choice
Is this the way you would end
Or would you prefer the sea's depth
I think I know your answer
For the sea she gave you your life
'Tis right she should hold you in death

Terry Rhiannyr
August 2013

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