bush school

Now a Scouts HQ,this was an Aussie 'bush school' from 1904 to 1990 and my lad A (now 31) spent his first four years of education in this tiny building!!
There was an extra 'demountable' (a portable building) but on this bush block two teachers taught five to nine year olds and what a great start it was. Grand total of about 40 kids!
Maths was about the basics and learning chess, writing was about the basics and local stories (a number of these littlies were Mary Durack Creative Writer winners) and science was a roam in the bush, collecting and discovering what was on the doorstep.
The teachers 'common room' was a tall wide spread tree and the lunch room was a shed decorated by the kids for the 1988 bicentenary.

I look at the school photos and they are a raggle taggle bunch many of whom have gone on to do remarkable things with their lives.
And all starting from this little building.

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