Life in Newburgh on Ythan

By Talpa

A very fine cat indeed

When you in a rush, over-committed, and lacking in photographic inspiration, your best bet is to photograph the cat. Unfortunately the cat is having a busy day too and I can't find him.

So I have had to resort to an ancient Egyptian cat who lives with us. Being ancient and Egyptian she wears gold earrings and is made of bronze (well, resin really, as she is but a reproduction ancient Egyptian cat).

Cats were known in Ancient Egypt as "mau", and were important in ancient Egyptian society. The cat goddess Bast (also known as Bastet) was a deity representing protection, fertility, and motherhood.

As a revered animal and one important to Egyptian society and religion, some cats received the same mummification after death as humans. and mummified cats were given in offering to Bast. In 1888, an Egyptian farmer uncovered a large tomb with mummified cats and kittens. This discovery outside the town of Beni Hasan had eighty thousand cat mummies, dating to 2000-1000 BC.

Well, that's what Wikipedia says!

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