
By stephenmarsh3

The biggest paddling pool in the whole wide world

Life is now back to normal, if you can ever call it that. All the rooms are now back in order and Linda has sorted out the mess finished off the finer details that I missed. That allowed me to go and see what was going on down at the lake. There was quite a lot of activity considering the weather wasn't brilliant. Lots of canoes and yachts and even a dragon boat race going on. Unfortunately I just caught the tail end of it and missed all the action. Not to worry, I was able to hang around the shore and get a few shots of these kids messing around. There was a time when you didn't feel guilty taking perfectly innocent shots of kids playing. Not any more. I could feel a fathers eyes upon me! On the way back I stopped at the Bowder stone but couldn't get what I was after. Maybe another day.

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