Emma D's diary

By EmmaDrabble

At Scarborough: The jump...

The draw of the impending full and 'blue moon' is pulling the sea high up to the shore. The ebbing tide drains the salty water far out, exposing lots of luminous green flats of sea shaped rock. Children run amongst the slippery flats, waving their pole nets up high and buckets in hand. They are on the hunt for rock pool trophies. Some stride triumphantly back to their tribe, perhaps a long claw pointing skyways out of the netty mesh. Some have older tribe members on hand to help. (See another picture here)

The flow of the tide is a highly fuelled change of energy. Heartbeats must change with the pace of the incoming waves. Waves racing onto the shore, eating up hand made monumental castles of sand. Screams of children can be heard as they leap frantically about digging make shift tidal barriers. Over come, the sea smashes against the wall. Stopped, and contained like an exited animal it begins to calm.

The calm. The people calm. They swim. They paddle, no shore now, just sea. She's calm, she allows them in. They dive, laughing, her salt adding buoyancy. Maybe she can't be tamed, but sometimes it appears she loves human company.....x the sea....x

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