All surfed out

Tired Tess after her surf with Daddy this afternoon.

I enjoyed a quiet morning. It was weird and lovely to be all alone for a change. Richard was at work and so was Joel. Gemma was in town and Tess was still at the silly-over. So I indulged in a bit of yoga, a bit of flute-playing, a bit of thoughtful garden calm, a bit of butterfly watching... And a bit of writing: Table For Four <-- Today's story on the new blipfiction account.
I've always enjoyed writing things that are not quite free-writing or stream-of-consciousness-writing, but not careful writing either. It's a kind of raw, plonking, blurting writing but with permission to rearrange after it's written. Ideas are like butterflies - you can kind of remember them but there's a fleeting detail in the immediacy that doesn't keep.
Modern life isn't great for butterflies.

After my strangely quiet morning, life crept back to familyness. Richard finished work at 1 and brought Tess back with him. Things are going to be a bit hectic for a while now with the Bank Holiday approaching so we took the opportunity to head off to the beach for an hour. Tess insisted on going for a surf - even though she was clearly short on sleep. I love watching Richard coach and guide Tess. She looks really safe and confident with him. There's something really wonderful about watching someone impart their knowledge and experience on a child.

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