
Friday, I had some chores around the house in the morning that needed to get done. Then, some errands in town to run. I got all the icky things out the way to make it possible to just relax and enjoy my last weekend before returning to work.

I swung by my brother's house and picked up my nieces to take them to my parent's house with us for the weekend. We had hoped to get there in time for a swim at the river, but all our errands had us running late. Instead, we roamed a bit past my parent's place to the butterfly pavilion. It is one of Sugar's favorite places to go. We had a lovely time wandering the grounds and eating raspberries off the bushes. YUM!

Then we headed over to the elementary school to play on their playground. The girls had a lovely time, and I was able to nab this shot of my nieces together looking so pretty. The sun sure has freckled these girls right up this summer. WOW!

We made it back to my parent's house for dinner and feeding the cows. It was a great summer's day.

PS. Back-blip alert!!!! Don't miss the Sugar in her sassy skirt I made for her.

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