
By upnorth

Blue Moon Night

It was a hot, sunny day. We spent most of the day jumping in and out of the water to keep cool. We got together with our neighbors for dinner. They have a nice, big deck with a large table. They're quite elderly so we cooked and bought all the food over. After clean up, I was a ball of sweat so we all went swimming again.
About 10:00 we were having a last glass of wine, the children were asleep, and we noticed a lot of flashes out the window. Thought it was heat lightning, but Monte checked the weather radar and it looked like a large storm was headed our way. We battened down the boat and bought all the wet towels and suits in so they wouldn't blow away; then sat on the deck and watched the show. It was mostly sheet lightning and the only bolts were off to the side and between clouds. It was constant; like strobe lights going on and off. We could see the dark line of the front going overhead but it was dead calm for the longest time. Finally the wind picked up, not unusually strong though, the temperature dropped which felt pretty good after the heat, but no rain, no storm. It passed over, it cleared up and the moon popped out again. Very strange.

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