Captain's Logbook

By CaptainSensible


Another hectic day at the office - compounded by car troubles. Mrs W's car exhaust has started blowing badly. So I gave her a lift to work before I went to work.
Went for a quick birthday drink with a colleague, picked up Mrs W to take home. Mr H wants a lift back from badminton. I'm off for a blipmeet with missymoo and meyesme and another photographer called Joe who may join blip!!!

That bit was loads of fun, messing around in the dark on Royston Heath. I borrowed a lens that was worth about four times as much as my car! An opportunity that comes around once in a blue moon (geddit?) (boom boom).

Mr H decided not to go to badminton because he wanted a ticket for Reading festival. Very late in the day - it starts this weekend!! He texted me to see if I wanted to go blipping in Nottingham,where someone was selling a ticket- he has a sense of humour.

In the end he found a ticket for sale in Kings Cross. He shot out of the door and caught the fast train, texting the seller regularly. The price was going up as he travelled. When he got there they wanted four times the price of the original deal.

He came home empty handed and crestfallen. As a parent I feel for him. It's such a shame, but....he's not been mugged and he still has his money. He will learn - as we all have, if you want something get your act together, in plenty of time not the last minute.

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