
By Eurogirl

The old and the new

Weird day today. Firstly my boss overslept, so I was kept waiting for half an hour for our meeting. My computer wouldn't work, so things took much longer than usual, until the upgrade they did at the weekend settled down.
My sister came at lunch time for a cuppa and a gossip, all good!
My sister's friend lost her husband a couple of months ago. Her two sons were sitting their As levels and A levels. Both have done extremely well given that their father died during and just before their exams started. A and A* s all round. What amazing boys they are. So with exam results coming in from all over the place it was happy day for parents and children. My niece got her results last week and is going the university of her choice to read law, so very pleased for everyone.
The photo is from my garden again. It is fascinating how this Aquilegia has gone to seed and is still sprouting new buds at the same time. I think the weather has confused it, or it could be my haphazard watering habits.

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