
By samwillet

Staying up late with Ballphones

Staying up late on a school night. When your brain can't let go of the day despite your eyes crusting over. Don't understand disciplined people who are really good at getting to bed on time and then out again in the morning.

At first this was just going to be the cricket ball. It is the best ball in sport. Lacquered leather wrapped round cork, with a stitched seam. Despite the fact most are made in factories, they have a human quality. They are unknown. Land it on the seam and it jags around. Shine one side and see it hoop through the air. Deliver with strong fingers and cocked wrist. It can splatter a close fielder's nose. Hopefully not. Hopefully the batsman's stumps, and his hopes and dreams - until his next dig.

I went in my room to get the camera and saw other balls, and headphones. Thus, Ballphones were born.

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