Rock Face

Well, I don't suppose the face is too hard to find, but can you find the angry rabbit too?

Tonight I committed a crime. I know, I much trouble can a woman my age get into. Well, let me tell you. I have deliberately, with malice mind you, defied the law. I bought bird seed. And what's more, I intend to use it. Against my landlord's wishes and specific instructions, I'm going to feed the the little brown sparrows who visit with hope in their little beady eyes and a song in their hearts. I will sneak-feed it to them, putting it under the big bushes where the pigeons won't find it, hopefully.

I must say, I miss the pigeons just a bit. They were comical and entertaining. I am trying to be understanding of the problems they cause and I've stopped feeding them so cavalierly. They don't meet me at the door anymore or wait by my car, but I've walked down the block to the house where the lady lives who still feeds them and I see them there. So, not all is lost, but it makes me sad just the same not to be able to feed any of the birds for fear the pigeons will come back for whatever is left behind. It just makes me really, really sad. I never had a huge variety of birds to feed, but I enjoyed the ones I had and I miss them because I can't even put suet cakes out for them anymore.

After I bought the birdseed I took a drive through some really beautiful countryside around a lake near my house. I was hoping to spot a "for rent" sign on a small place tucked in the woods where I wouldn't be causing harm by feeding the birds. That's when I spotted this rock face and thought it might make a credible blip. I hope you've found the angry rabbit by now because I think it's much neater than the guy with the big nose.

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