In Brief, for once...

By JaxI

Japanese Love Story

Once upon a time, when Dr Dad and I were enjoying the fresh bloom of our romance, there was a prophetic weekend, which with the gift of hindsight I can see now was a blueprint for our life together.

I lived in Shintomi, a small hamlet in the prefecture of Miyazaki. Sadly, my Prince Charming's duties administering to the sick kept him a 5 hour train journey away from me in the city of Kitakyushu, among whose claims to fame is that it was almost the target of the Nagasaki atomic bombing, had it not been for some unexpected clouds, and that is about the best thing I can think of to say about it.

This weekend, I had made ready and was fairly agog at the prospect of his arrival, when the telephone rang. Alas, one of the aforementioned sick in his care had taken a sudden turn for the worse, and he would be unable to make it to the countryside that night.
As you can imagine, dear reader, I was indeed disheartened.

However, my spirits and expectations were revived when he reassured me that he would arrive, come hell or high water, the very next evening, bearing gifts to make it all better!

His exact words in fact were: " You know that muffin shop you like in Kokura station?"
Me: "mrs Elizabeth Muffin?"
He: "Yes! You will see how much I love you from the number of muffins I bring you tomorrow ! "

Well, be still my heating heart!! I could bearly make it through the next day, nervous with anticipation of his arrival.

At last the door bell rang, and he came in with the muffin bag hidden behind his back grinning devilishly at his great surprise!

Dramatically he whipped the muffin bag out with a great "tada!!".

So how many muffins expressed the extent of his love?



They sell boxes of up to 20, but I got 4.

He was seriously shocked that i seemed disappointed. I should've realised then!

This week in Yokohama I came across a Mrs Elizabeth Muffin shop, so of course his omiyage was decided.

I got 6, to make a point.

Not sure what point, but we will leave it out there...


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