Life is Incredible

By Knightly

Virginia Mountain Mint

pycnanthemum virginianum was hard to identify at first because i didn't touch the plant. just looked at the flowers and leaves. didn't think it was a mint, because it didn't look like the mints i have seen, so when looking up in my wildflower guide, didn't look under mints.

finally, i got desperate and picked it, something i don't normally do. i like to leave wildflowers as i find them. anyway, when i picked it, right away, i could smell the deliciously strong mint aroma and felt the square stems. i was so surprised. this plant is about 3 feet tall with thin lance shaped leaves around the edge of the stream where i forage for wild flower photos and is much loved by bees and all kinds of insects.

also, was difficult to photograph for some reason.


mountain-mint is edible and medicinal, raw or cooked the flower buds and leaves are edible and have a hot, spicy, mint-like flavor that makes a great spice or seasoning for meat. the fresh or dried leaves are brewed into a refreshing mint-like medicinal herb tea that is alterative (for that run down feeling), analgesic, antiseptic, diaphoretic, carminative, emmenagogue and tonic. the medicinal tea is used in alternative medicine in the treatment of menstrual disorders, indigestion, mouth sores and gum disease, colic, coughs, colds, chills and fevers.

very aromatic the herb is used in potpourri or burned as incense. placed in a muslin bag it can be used as bath additive, and is said to be very soothing to irritated skin. will freshen laundry when used in the dryer. thrown in a drawer or trunk it will not only freshen clothing and blankets, but keep moths away. aprinkle on carpets to freshen the whole house and is said to be a good natural insecticide, the plant does repel insects and is good for use in the garden.

enjoy the weekend. all the best.

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