A little pecker

Long day + tired me = Quick Blip
The sun was a no show today. I took photos in my garden but wasn’t happy with how they came out without the sunlight. I was sitting outside with my granddaughter and we heard a woodpecker. We were looking in all the trees trying to locate where it was. I finally found it in the tree right above us. It was sitting on a dead branch and working like crazy. We followed his movements up the branch and enjoyed watching him. Then it flew off towards the front of the house. I didn’t have my camera with me and it was too far to capture with my smartphone.
About 15 minutes later we went in the house and as I passed the front window, there it was again! The very same bird was sitting on my suet holder waiting its turn at the birdfeeder. I grabbed my camera, changed lenses to the telephoto and managed to get this shot before he took off. At the same time, I had to pretend I didn’t see anything worth interest because my granddaughter loves the birds and runs up onto the couch to see them out the window. Of course this usually scares them away because she screeches with excitement. I wish the suet basket wasn’t hiding the rest of this bird but I considered myself lucky to even get this much. At least I didn’t have to resort to taking a photo of my shoes. Yes, that was the alternative Blip…ha-ha.

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