
By CameraHappy

An Apple A Day Keeps the Doctor Away

Fact or Fiction? Some researchers believe that eating an apple a day really does keep the doctor away -- but you've got to eat the peel!

Fruit is tasty and good for your health. I chose a photo of apples in our supermarket; we are fortunate to have so many varieties of fruit year round. Here are a few benefits of apples - you decide whether or not an apple a day...

1. An apple contains zero cholesterol, fat and sodium, and it is not harmful to your health in any way. It has a low calorie count of 80.

2. It provides complex carbohydrates that can give you a sustained energy boost.

3. It is a good source of dietary fiber.

4. An apple also has many great nutrients that perform various tasks to keep your body healthy, and these include vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

5. An apple contains vitamin A, vitamin E and beta carotene which contribute to the prevention of illnesses.

6. The vitamin C that is present in an apple is an essential nutrient that protects the immune system, and makes your body more resistant to a wide variety of diseases, which can range from eye disease to cancer. It is also effective in preventing skin wrinkling.

7. An apple has high pectin content. Pectin works to maintain a healthy digestive system. It can also reduce “bad” cholesterol and glucose levels as well as blood pressure.

8. An apple also provides a nutrient called boron, which can promote bone strength and brain health.

9. Quercetin in another beneficial nutrient in an apple, and has the potential to prevent different types of cancer, ranging from breast cancer to lung cancer. It may also be effective in combating age-related diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.

10. They taste good!

Being a fruit lover, this time of year is particularly good with all the locally grown seasonal fruit, some of which I have in my own backyard - strawberries, raspberries, saskatoons, cherries, grapes, apples. My blueberry plant did not survive. The fruit which does not have a long enough growing season in Alberta is brought in from our neighboring province of BC. But better still is being able to take a trip to BC and sample the fresh tree-ripened fruit, like peaches - maybe my favorite fruit of all.

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