
By SeaGypsy49

Give me a kiss.

These Rainbow Lorikeets were in the big gum tree above the BBQ area, where there is a sink to wash dishes in. By the time we had finished doing the dishes, there were five of them in the tree. These two were putting on a great display.
The Kookaburra's were very noisy this morning before day light, and during the night a possum had over turned the big bucket that the dishes were all packed in. Plus found the raisin bread and made a hole in the bag, so that was the end of that. Have decided that everything needs to be put into sealed plastic bins before going to bed!
There were two Kookaburra's in the tree by the camper, as we were having breakfast, and one was around again when I was making us bacon & egg wraps for a late lunch. I had cooked the bacon and put it onto the wrap, then went to put the eggs in the pan, when suddenly a Kookaburra swooped down our of the tree and grabbed a bit of bacon. Luckily, it didn't manage to get away with it. It then proceeded to sit around and come closer all the time. Finally, it found another one of those centipedes, so ate that instead, Yuk!
We had another swim at high tide, water feels warm today.

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