Spring at Lake Hayes

Today was really complicated. We had to go over the hill to Queenstown and meet The Bossess who was arriving on a plane. We had to pick up a rug for L, we had to get a Blip, We had to pick up some other folk and have a grand lunch at a winery (That didn’t include dogs) AND I wanted a walk.

Well everything worked except that The Bossess told The Boss to check up her plane arrival on his iPhone app called “Flight Radar” It showed that 6437 planes were all flying somewhere in the world but NZ601 was not to be found.
In fact there were no planes from Wellington to Queenstown and The Boss was convinced that The Bossess had gone in to error mode somehow.
15 minutes after her plane was supposed to arrive she texted The Boss that she had actually arrived and it appeared that even The Airline didn’t know about the flight either inspite of the fact that the plane flew and lots of folk arrived at Queenstown on it but NZ601…Nah…fell through the cracks I guess.
Which just goes to show that humans don’t get everything right all the time so there needs to be a dog in the loop somewhere.

The winery had a novel menu where you could order up something called “Trust the Chef” plus other individual stuff but the lovely waitress convinced the group that this was the in thing and various courses arrived on the table and everyone helped themselves to the bits they fancied. I would have loved to be in on this as I am sure there would have been bits that I could have forced down, so to bark, but I stayed in Suzz and ZZZedded instead.

There is some sort of boat race tomorrow so it may be an early start.
I hope The Boss fills my grub bucket first.

Spring into action

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