
By cracker

Crazy boys!

This morning Spence played his last soccer game of the season. All the boys played really well and everyone got at least one goal except Spence but he did do a fantastic assist so one of the other boys got a goal!

We went straight from soccer to the park where Craig was having his soccer break up BBQ for Harry's team which he coached! It was at Moffat Park and the day was just beautiful! The sea was really calm and shimmery, there was a slight breeze and we had a great time!

We left there, came home had a rest then went out for tea to the Tavern with Fleur and her family and their friends Dani and Brett who have twins spence and Teddy's age and a daughter who is one. We had a great time there as well!

Kaz has just got home from being in Brisbane since Thursday and they sold the reno house subject to finance and building and pest which is awesome!

So it has been a great day for everyone!! I love living up here! It was still 23C at 5.30 this afternoon! And it's Winter!! I love it!

Here is Spence with his team after their last game pulling silly faces!!

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