
By memento

Eye torture

Tall and proud, it stands in the corner of a small parking lot for a stereo and a furniture shop. There are no identifying marks or plaque upon it to say what it's for, who made it or why it was put up. It came out of day we drove by and it was there.

We affectionlessly call it: The Tumor. The dark, rusted metal...arm...has left a stain on the manmade boulder that it spears and holds up and at the end of the a smaller manmade boulder, ensnared by a metal band.

It causes the strangest sensation in my stomach every time I see it...a cross between a flutter and a gag (the best description I can come up with)

With this as my entry, I was going to suggest a new blip contest called "ugliest, grossest city sculptures" but why bother? I already won...unless you think you know of a bigger eyesore.

Don't click, I warn you!

PS. I wonder what those deep thinking art analyst
blahblahblah-ers would say about this one?

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