
By BetsyJem

Day 4 - GB, Czech Stars and Slovakia

Today was another 5.45 start. Absolutely exhausted!! When we went down for breakfast they had loads of cakes at the table. It was like torture as we aren't allowed any kind of sugar stuff like that all week. The coaches were in a good mood though so let us have half a croissant each. I inhaled mine!!

The first game today was us against Cubs. I was really pleased with myself as I scored a run and played my favourite position (catcher) for the whole game. The whole team did great!! However, I came of the field with my finger in a splint as the ball hit it when I was catching.

We had a good rest of the day as we watched the games and after lunch (pasta) we went swimming. The coaches brought us water pistols so we had a massive water fight with the cubs. It was great fun!

After that we went back to the hotel and I had to pack my things because today is the last day and we are flying home tomorrow. As me and my family aren't traveling back with the team I am staying at m parents hotel tonight. We all went out for dinner with the whole team and the cubs. It was great fun!!

After dinner we went back to the field and watched the final. It was Czech Stars vs. Italia 2. The game was so close and nobody scored a run till one girl from Italia 2 managed to score. It was so nice to see Italia go crazy cheering and singing but heart-breaking to see Czech collapse on the ground with tears.

We had to put I uniform on to have the closing ceremony. It was quite boring to be honest. The real fun came after the speeches when the music started blaring out and al the teams just ran around singing. I felt close to tears at the idea of having to say goodbye to all these girls tonight.

I took photos with all the coaches and swapped phone numbers with loads of girls. Then came the time to say goodbye. Everyone was hugging me and loads of people were in tears. On the way back to my parents hotel I was so upset. When we got back to the hotel I cried and cried about it being all over. I just wanted it to be the beginning of the tournament again.

My Parents' room had a massive bed in it which me, my mum, my dad and my brother Al all piled into to watch Modern Family on my Dad's laptop. I am exhausted. Can't wait for a long sleep. Have to get up quite early again tomorrow for our journey back to London.

This photo is of team GB (left), Slovakia (right) and Czech Stars (middle).

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