An Apple a Day...

By anappleaday

Let's get ready for Camping!

I spent all yesterday cleaning house, doing laundry, endless chores! so that we can be all ready to go away for the long weekend coming up.

Today, I was in charge of all the grocery shopping for the 6 of us going camping. This is the biggest grocery order I have ever done! It was a little strange buying food for other people so I took longer than usual - standing in front of each item going "I wonder if they care what brand of milk I get? There are grades to eggs? Which is the right bread? " and so on... I was afraid of getting busted for blipping in the store, so I had to shoot this quickly and on the sly!

When I got home, an apple made a break for it and rolled triumphantly down the hill!! Due to it's more perfect roundness, it got a bit farther than the veggies from last week. This time, I was amused instead of upset and we cheered the apple on as he got to the bottom of the hill, crossed the street all by himself, rolled along the curb, dodged a passing car, and disappeared onto the next street. We may go look for him later today just to see how far he made it.

I will probably not be around until next week but I will blip while camping and have lots to show when I get back. Have a great weekend everyone!

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