Journey Through Time

By Sue

Crazy Busy

Today was a crazy busy day. I went and got auntie and we went to the library, the bank, Lowe's so she could look for some things for her yard and I am glad I took my camera because I was able to get a few shots, one of them is this interesting looking aster. It was a beautiful plant with these quite large interesting blooms all over it. This looks like some under the sea creature, doesn't it? Then after loading up the car with some things, we went to her special place to buy her bread, then she took me to a late lunch, then over to Vancouver and we went to a stone place, which was closed, so we went to another one I knew of and it was open so that she could get her few slate stepping stones she wanted for her yard, then we went home, said hi to Bill and unloaded a couple of things and then went to the garden nursery where Bill works and got some winter pansies. Then on to the local super market where we got a few food items for her, then finally home to our place. Whew! Dinner, visiting, she did her laundry at my house, watched a TV show that we record for her, and then back to her place where we unloaded all the things she got today. My 84 year old aunt wears me out! LOL

Hope all is well with you all. I haven't even looked at the comments yet from yesterday. Crazy busy.

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