
By rach

Boat Ride on the Siuslaw River

We had fun. We hung out with friends at thier campsite close to the Siuslaw River. We spent all day out there. They have a new pontoon boat and we went for a ride on it. We had "Happy Hour" and ate really good cheese and crackers and other snacks. We talked about some boring stuff and some fun stuff. Mom brought her laptop so when things got really boring I watched Snow Buddies on it. Its about these dogs that talk. They end up in Alaska and have to be on a dog sled team but then they get to come home.

After that we sat around the campfire and ate hamburgers and talked some more. Then we had hot chocolate with whipped cream on top. At eleven pm we said goodbye and went home. It was a good day. I was sad because I thought I left my dvd there but Mom had it.

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