
By Sydney

Rosie's vase

When she was 4 Rose chose this vase for her Christmas present when we took a shortcut at the mall through a Crate and Barrel store. I tried to talk her out of it and into something I thought she'd enjoy more but she was adamant. So this is her vase. Some day when she settles down, it will grace her home, but for now it stays with me patiently waiting.

Rose is leaving late tonight on what is known as the 'red eye' to begin her journey to Jordan. My heart and excitement go with her but not anxiety as she is an amazing young woman who turned out to be incredibly capable. How this happened, I am not certain since her father and I split up when she was 3 and her sister was 6, resulting in my being at the helm for their formative years, heaven help us! Though I don't believe the credit for who they are belongs at all to me, she and her older sister both astonish me with who they are.

When she went into the Peace Corps 5 years ago, she was sent to Botswana for 27 months. That seemed like a long time, so this year in Jordan doesn't seem so tough to endure. Her father brought her home from Africa to see my mother shortly before she died and he has gifted her with a return ticket at Christmas to visit Vermont, where he lives, and Seattle to see us. I am extremely grateful for these kindnesses. Thank you, Ray!

When she left for Africa, I gave both she and her sister a plain sterling bracelet engraved on the inside "I am always with you". We each wore them for the duration of her adventure. For this trip, I got us each a small glass gray blue droplet to wear on a chain--you never know when a girl in the Middle East might need a bit of water!

I went to visit her in Botswana and that trip has stayed with me, informing the way I teach, increasing my gratitude and expanding my spirit. I am saving my money to visit her in Jordan. Can't wait to ride a camel down the cliff into Petra!

Sail on, my baby, God be with you, my dumpling!

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