living in a glass house

By DandelionTree

Stopped to notice...

We stopped to notice the drama unfolding. The Thinks 100 days of summer photo challenge is nearly over. Boo! I, for one, will miss it. I do like having a theme for the day even if I don't always follow it or I try to make it fit tenuously... like today.

This is Chickpea and her cousin, just one day apart. They have a very hot/ cold relationship and this is one of the moments of tension, pretty much always involving an item the other one wants. We did have a lovely day today, though, visiting with the cousins and Auntie Shirley at our favourite spot on the river.

Other things we stopped to notice--

The moon was very dark pink this evening. My mom once told me that if the moon turns red it is a sign that the end of the world is near. I always glanced at the moon in fear after that, sure I would be absolutely terrified if it was red. Well, today it pretty much was! Even now that I'm older and don't even believe in apocalyptic end of the world stuff it was still eerily beautiful and unsettling.

There was also a gigantic cloud that wasn't a cloud but a forest fire. There are a lot of forest fires in Idaho right now, sadly, and that probably explains the pink moon as well.

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