Odds & Ends

I have at last finished back blipping our trip to Iceland and the Northern Isles. It has taken ages, so need to devise a quicker method before the next trip!!

The dates are Sunday 4th until Friday 16th August, if anyone wants to stop by to have a peak!!

I used to return with all sorts of items from our trips, but now I’m cutting down. I brought back bookmarks for my reader friends, the lambs postcard for Max & Annie (they will love lambs in jumpers!!!), a book about the Shetland Bus (for me) and the stuffed puffin (as I didn’t manage to see one on land, let alone photograph one :0(

I got currency for Iceland which was only used to buy coffees (expensive), everything else I fancied was way too expensive (credit card money) and I didn’t need it so didn’t bother!! I’ll take these notes back to the Post Office to change.

We had a great trip. Amongst the positives – capturing pictures of birds off the side of the ship. Negatives – a bit late for many birds…they’ve gone “flyabouts”…..and no Puffins!!

One of the great things about Blip is that thanks to other Blippers I have identified time of year and places to try next year!!!

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