Walk in the clouds

More rain this AM, sleeping in a tent under heavy rain is not conducive for a good night's sleep! But eating breakfast under a breaking sky with mountain views is conducive for happiness!

Walk day today, up the cable car we went for a lovely five hour trip through forest to a high altitude church, a lake and views to marvel at. Sienna was the 'mountain guide' so led the way, being a mini dictator at times telling us when to go and when to stop. Preferable to whining any day!

Now eating dinner with the kids 'amusing' us with their inane conversation. Maybe it is our kids, maybe because they outnumber us but trying to engage them in a chat about something relevant and interesting to us is nil on impossible! Just saying!!!

The black and white thing that's hanging out of Sienna's backpack is Dogger the dog, don't ask!

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