
By Cully

Tinkerbell does not fly!

Today we went to the bank holiday fun day which is becoming somewhat of a tradition. It was bigger and better than last year with a stage for the jazz and soul band, slightly slutty looking balloon benders on stilts, face painters and a huge bouncy obstacle course. Of course the kids loved it but the adults more so. Cath managed to convince the man to get the kids off so we could all have a race.

Who knows who the winner was, we were all too busy laughing at poor Cath aka Tinkerbell (pictured, being helped to squeeze through the small gap) who struggled a little, lapped by the boys but eventually got through and received a huge applause!

A great day. Lets hope little Noah isnt sick after his two ice creams courtesy of Jon and Jo dial an ice cream and that we haven't all got nits after stylist Tyler's hair brushing marathon.

We finished the day off with a modest curry at bengal fusion, where were you daisymoo??!

We are now trying to find a way of gatecrashing a friend of a friends polish wedding while we are in Krakow. Unfortunately Poland is a big country.

Random polish wedding fact learnt on Saturday: A polish bride has to have plenty of vodka with her on her way to her wedding. Villagers sit and wait for the bride, blocking the road, only moving if the bride gives them vodka. Me and the boy are packing the camping chairs, got to love a free vodka!

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