Selfie-year project

By Diegomon

In between

Enjoy the last sun-rays. Enjoy the warm weather and the light on your skin, on your eyes. Soon it'll be over. Soon the fall will come and so the winter and you will not have anything but a pale face and a sad look.

In between summer and winter autumn comes to warn you. In between Mexico and Sweden you have the Atlantic Ocean, let me cross it so I can say hello, let me cross it so I can come back and hug you and kiss you, live you and then leave you. In between Malmö and Copenhagen there's that bridge, use it, go by train or by car to switch between two different worlds, two societies very similar to each other but extremely different. But in between you and me, please, let me have nothing so nothing can't ever break and fall apart, let's just stick together, my dear non-existent love/pleasure and do exist for me to find you.

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