
By amandoAlentejo

Marriage, Anyone?

We've managed something fairly difficult after just one week in Spain - wanting lunch even later than the Spaniards - who eat between 3 and 5pm - do, which means that we ended up turning back in the Alcazar Nature Reserve (where Sam got his wish and saw a snake - in the natural pools we were hoping to swim in), faint with hunger, or altitude sickness, or fear of the crumbly roads, not sure which.

Anyway, back down to Alcaucín, where not one establishment could we find where food could be procured. This Moorish mountain village is where folk go to get good drinking water from these five pipes. They say that if you drink out of the middle one, you will eventually marry someone from the village.

Doing my blip while waiting for S and D to do a BBQ back at our house - but might just nibble something while waiting - it's now 7pm, and our last meal was breakfast...

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