West Coaster

By WestCoaster

Boy oh Bouy

This bouy stands on the end of the Esplanade in Greenock, tonight it was a chilly walk but the twins love running up and down the slips and stairs and it lets them burn off their energy. This very bouy was the first navigation bouy on the Clyde to be lit so does mark a piece of maritime history.

The Plaque on the bouy commemorates the Stevenson Family, a dynasty responsible for the development and construction of lighthouses in the most inhospitable places around our beautiful coast, Bell Rock, Bass Rock and Skerryvore, these buildings although now all mechanised are masterpieces of engineering never bettered often copied.

I liked it tonight in monochrome, the reds saturated and our river in the background, sadly the master or the FPV Minna had not read the script and his manoeuvres kept him at a distance and out of range of the lens this evening, maybe another time.

I liked it wispy clouds, the shape and textures of the bouy, the rivets and the colours and I hope you like it too!

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