
By Kangaroo

Street Scene

Two of my favourite things, these eucalypts ... and I went out determined as I often have before at night wanting to capture some sense of their selves bathed in strong streetlight.

The location has frequent traffic at the time of night so I stood visible in its glare for some time experimenting with the addition of the lights of oncoming and receding traffic and passing cars, including a range of options in my settings.

Nope. The first shot from behind a formal pavement-side garden aimed at the trees taking advantage only of the street light with the flash turned off proved the choice. I set the camera to 'None' for enhancement.

As wonderful as this mobile camera can be with full sun or for close portraits, to eliminate the wash of poor coloration and the grainy appearance of a night shot I used the software Picasa and selected Lomo-ish that renders it black and white with the vignette effect at its edges (and added a border to increase that sense of focus and depth). Beautiful trees the eucalypts. I do so hope you enjoy the image.

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