Power to the People

My mother used to walk for miles but at almost 85 she is starting to use the bus a bit more for her trips into town. Her nearest bus stop is one of the few that does not have a seat and as she invariably ends up waiting a long time for a bus she was starting to find the standing quite tiring.

She sent a letter to the borough council who are responsible for the shelters to ask for a seat to be installed, a short time later she received a phone call thanking her for the letter but saying that unfortunately due to budget cuts...blah....blah...there was no money.

Mum didn't leave it at that, she mentioned it to a couple of local town Councillors who must have bent the right ears as shortly after her conversation a bench appeared in the bus stop.

It isn't the usual bus stop bench and I don't know where they got it from but somehow they managed to get it into the shelter and bolted it to the floor, it has also been nicely stained, all we have to do now is keep the local vandals off it.

Now this blip wasn't set up in any way, Mrs RH and I were taking the dog for a walk today and as we came round the corner there was Mum sitting on her bench waiting for the bus, she just had to be blipped.

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