Strike that. Reverse it!


8 Today!

Mikey's birthday today. Last night was a late one getting everything ready for today. Tommy woke far too excited at 1 am and came downstairs. He was then convinced he'd saw the birthday fairies. He then woke every hour saying "there they are, did you see them?" Bless him although I was a little tired of it at 4 am :0)

I don't think Mikey, who's 8 now and too old to belief in birthday fairies, was too impressed with Tommys fairy spotting either. Especially when he kept telling Mikeys friends about them! Really not cool ;0)

Its been a great day. Mikey has enjoyed it which is the main thing. I decided to pick this blip as it was very similar to last years here! Mikey had the same problem with one awkward candle! I also liked the smoke trails on this one too but had to crop Mikey out as the focus on him wasn't right at all.

Hope you've all had a good day too xxx

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