Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Honey, would you BEE mine?

I know, I know - totally corny title. Can't help myself sometimes.

As you probably know, the honeybee population has been declining sharply since 2007 due to the Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). Huge colonies of bee hives have mysteriously disappeared and scientists have many theories but no certain answers. Consequently, I rarely see honeybees in my garden now - so imagine my surprise when I saw this one drifting around the buddleia this morning. Out I ran with the D600 and the nifty Nikon macro (still on rental, two more days...). Got off a few shots before it started to rain. Can't complain, we need the rain right now. And, besides, I had mucho work to do today.

Hubs is leaving for Alabama in the morning to spend a few days with his parents, before returning here in time for our anniversary on Monday. I always feel a bit at loose ends when he's away and even though he's not gone yet, I am looking forward to his return. So, this blip is for him ... Honey, would you bee mine?

Going to try to get caught up on comments over the weekend - thanks for bearing with me. And thank you for the many kind comments on my ladybug/bird yesterday. It was sheer luck to catch that shot and I'm certain I'll never be able to do it again. That said, I maybe should have blipped the Monarch cat since it is now gone, no doubt hanging from a branch somewhere, pupating (isn't that a great word - pupating?). Ah well.

Today's other shots are a fat-bottomed hummer, a scary spider eating a bumble bee and this honeybee, all posted to Flickr, starting HERE.

Hey, it's Hump Day! And I've made a yummy looking Greek pasta salad for dinner tonight. Cheers!


PS: Several hours after I posted, I got this shot of a crab spider with a bumble bee. Crap! Would have been a great blip.

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