
By pattons6

Tracking Bigfoot

Look at my painting! Isn't it brilliant? I am very proud of my painting now mum understands why my feet were purple last night. I have had another busy day. I was out seeing the boats then playing with my friend Lewis - he and I have a good chat. If we are out in the buggy we pat each others knees to let each other know we are there. He was saying my name today , it was very funny. I ate lots too, I'm going to ask mummy if I can come more often.

Tonight I was sick again. I choked on something and well, I made a mess of mummy's clean floors - well she had missed a bit. So daddy changed me while mummy cleaned the floors, properly this time. I have had a fascination with some reindeer antlers with bells on the the past couple of days. I like wondering around with them on jingling the little bells. Mummy said I am a little early - eh mummy you say I need to be good for Santa. So not too early, just making sure he notice's me. Anyway, isn't it the case that when bells ring another fairy gets her wings? Got to look after my friends.

On that note I am off to dance with them. I have a day at home with mummy tomorrow. I can't wait, cuddles kisses and I'm sure I can squeeze a treat out of her!

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